Follow-on Deals Build Out Portfolios

Robert Aprill was interviewed by Julie Miller and asked about the ongoing deal activity in the behavioral health sector.
Ongoing deal activity in the behavioral health sector indicates its sustained, strong position for investment. In fact, private equity interest is accelerating with an upward trend among add-on deals—the secondary transactions that build the portfolio after the initial platform deal. To to access the full article, please click on the following link:
About Behavioral Healthcare Executive
The Institute for the Advancement of Behavioral Healthcare is the leading education provider to behavioral healthcare professionals and allied stakeholders. Our wide range of resources includes two award-winning publications, Addiction Professional and Behavioral Healthcare Executive;national and regional conferences; local lunch’n’learns and virtual Webinars; and topic-focused e-newsletters. The Institute continuously engages more than 190,000 professionals, including front-line clinicians and private-practice therapists; nurses, physicians, and other medical professionals; and executive-level decision makers at a wide range of for-profit, not-for-profit, public, and private mental health and substance use treatment organizations. The Institute also leads discussions among policy makers, prevention and public health officials, law enforcement personnel, and community advocates. Visit Behavioral Healthcare Executive at