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Q2 2024 Healthcare Education Update

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Q2 2024 Healthcare Education Update

In an active Q2 2024, the healthcare education vertical announced eight closed transactions. A flurry of strategic add-on activity was accompanied by two notable PE exits: 1) Greybull Stewardship’s exit of Summit Professional Education and 2) QHP Capital’s exit of Pro-ficiency. Additionally, Achieve Partners invested in a new healthcare edtech platform, Elentra, via its merger with Da Vinci Education.

Simulations and virtual scenario sub-verticals continue to be a theme in consolidation. As organizations seek ways to keep customers engaged, it is becoming an increasingly common service to offer in conjunction with traditional learning methods.

Evidenced by strong deal activity this quarter, investors remain bullish on healthcare education. Provident anticipates sponsors and strategics in all sectors of healthcare to maintain interest in the space throughout 2024.

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